SELECTION OF WORKS (2014 – 2022)
Photography 2014-21,
Whiteout, 2014-21
Questioned the behaviour of the water and the light in the atmosphere
Pic du midi de Bigorre, Mont Ventoux, Plateau of bure, Massif of Mont Blanc
kodak portra with medium format
Photography 2014-21,
Hypermeteor, 2014-21 (Water and Moons of Malchamps & Saguenay)
Questioned the limits of atmosphere and the behaviour of the light and the water in the atmosphere
kodak portra with medium format
Photography 2014-21
Blue 2019-21
explore the echo of the rotation of the earth, the color of the shadow of the light
kodak portra with medium format
data of 2014
Ocean, Continuity of topography, 2014
NOAA scientific database, the data is used as a photographic film
Collaboration with the geologuist Lucien Halleux
Artwork of studio 2014-20
Black out, 2015
photograph made with volcanic ash from Eyjafjallajökull (2010) and Grimsvötn (2011). Volcanic eruptions can disrupt the thermal stability of the Earth.
data of 2010-15
Transmissions, 2010-14
The Transmissions project explores scientific data. It focuses specifically on climate and seismic data to extend the experience of nature. This project explores iconic locations such as nature reserves, summits of mountains and climate change observation sites. It takes the form of digital and photographic works.
Transmission_2014 (archive) explore seismic and volcano activity data and questions the hazard of earthquakes, Arts et marges Museum
Transmission_2013 (archive) explore climate data of station forecast to question breathing and climate acceleration, Iselp
Environmental Capture Artwork 2007-23
Appel d’air 2007-19, mobile for tracé with tensegrity structure inspired by meteorologic stations and the atmospheric balloons
Kikk Residency at CCN 2019
Environmental Capture Artwork 2007-23
Aerography 2019-23, climate sensitive surface inspired by photographic negative film
The Aerography project explores the dynamic balance of the atmosphere through a search for sensitive surfaces inspired by photographic film. The process is sensitive to water transported in the atmosphere and changes color in response to pH variation. The project captures polluting gas of human and natural origin.
pH captures of atmospher after the Icelandic volcano Litli Hrútur eruption, 2023
Aerography #1 #2 #3, 120x120 cm
Photography 90x90 cm
Vertical environment, film, 2020-22
the history the relationship between atmosphere and environment
RAVI residency 2020
Environmental Capture Artwork 2007-23
The vertical environment 2017-22, station focuses on the interactions between environment and atmosphere
The Vertical environment project focuses on the interactions between environment and atmosphere, water cycle and energy. It includes a set of prototypes art stations of capturing: plateaux pour environnement, mobiles solaire, aerography and chambres solaire. The stations create visualization artworks with the environment, inspired by weather stations.
Artwork of studio 2014-20
INCENDIE 2014-20
I_83, I_1049, I_200, I_875, I_387, I_385, I_1040, I_79, I_11
photography (camera-less) realized directly in liquid developement with luminus optical fibers & solarization process inspired by forest fires
Environmental Capture Artwork 2007-23,
mobile for bikes 2015-21,
1. cambrien with liquid crystals on rock, 2015-19
2. cambrien with air and environment sensitive surface, 2015-21
The matrise is use as a negatif film for enlargement
The instruments for bikes inspired by the positive feedback in the atmosphere
Books and documentations 2006-23
Prix Dess(e)ins 2013, Les traces habiles, Paris, notebooks of 2006-13